Make your own websites, it really isn't as hard as it sounds, when your a beginner it's a little scary but don't worry we will walk you through the steps you need learn. Regardless if it is for your own personal use, or for Internet marketing there are a number of steps you need to go through, in-fact there are 10 that I have listed below. Follow the 10 steps and you will be up and running in no time.
For the purpose of this article I will assume you want to make ur own Websites for interet marketing purposes, if it is just for personal use just skip step 1 and 2.
Make your own websites Step 1: Decide what your site is going to be about, my very first site was about "parrot training", so I will use that as an example.
Make your own websites Step 2: Do some keyword research to find relevant KW's that have low competition.
Make your wn websites Step 3: Buy a domain name, use 1 of the KW you just found doing your research.
Make your own websites Step 4: Buy hosting, make sure the hosting service is a reliable 1 you don't want your site going down.
Make your own websites Step 5: Point you domain to your hosting service, allow 48-72 this is an approximate guess, it just depends who your hosting through.
Make your own websites Step 6: Down load wordpress, that's what I use, you can use what you want.
Make your own websites Step 7: Down load all the plugins you want for your site. These are 3 important ones you must have, all in one SEO pack, privacy policy and a nice theme.
Make Your own websites Step 8: You can learn HTML coding " BIG EXERCISE", or your can down load a writing tool that will do that for you. All though most themes have a basic HTML tool, " I know wordpress has it's one", but I do recommend you get a better version. Remember majority of plugins are free.
Make Your own websites Step 9: Up load picture, picture are great and they personalize your site, your choice though.
Make Your own websites Step 10: Start writing you content and publish it.
"CONGRATULATIONS", Well done you did it your own piece of real estate.